Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dior Through The Eyes of Galliano

I have said that I'll put together a showcase of Galliano's work for Dior. A swansong for Galliano as a result the anti-Semitic controversy which led to his dismissal from Dior. I've recently spoken to a fellow designer and she reckons that he has had his time. A mixed bag of reactions, some in the industry defended him and some condemned him. Either way, like I mentioned in one of my previous blog, I still have high regards for his creative talent and visions. Although his designs for Dior took more of a commercial approach, he has created some of the most lavish, extravagant pieces the fashion world has ever seen. With the showmanship that he took on, here are some of the Dior couture pieces that made me go wow

Dior Couture Fall 2008
Dior Couture Fall 2008
Dior Couture Fall 2008
Dior Couture Fall 2008
Dior Couture Fall 2008
Dior Couture Fall 2009
Dior Couture Fall 2009
Dior Couture Fall 2009
Dior Couture Fall 2009
Dior Couture Fall 2010
Dor Couture Fall 2010
Dior Couture Fall 2010
Dior Couture Fall 2010
Dior Couture Spring 2003
Dior Couture Spring 2003
A personal favourite - Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2008
Dior Couture Spring 2009
Dior Couture Spring 2009
Dior Couture Spring 2009
Dior Couture Spring 2009
Dior Couture Spring 2010
Dior Couture Spring 2010
Dior Couture Spring 2010
All images sourced from style.com. If that didn't blow you away, wait, there's more ...

Hope you can see why I am in awe of Galliano

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